Tuesday, June 28, 2011

My Announcement this Morning in Devotions was "I've Given Up!"

Catchy title, but not very profound. I'll explain in a moment.

I went for a bike ride this morning up to Zakimi Castle. I abandon my bike when the road got too rough and walked around the grounds. I explored areas I'd never seen before. It was beautiful!

Upon returning back to my apartment to get ready for school, I had a realization. I have just spent the past 3 years trying to train myself to remember to put on make-up, however, after only being here a little over a week I'm back out of that habit. My mascara runs due to the sweat and humidity (and I do wear waterproof), my skin is always glistening and I always wear sunscreen. My lip gloss ran out...so, I'm back to where I was before. Even worse, I worked hard on my hair this morning thinking that for the first morning it might have some potential. I straightened as much of it out as I could. By the time I walked over to school, I looked like I hadn't even combed my hair this morning! I also give up on doing my hair - - thus the announcement made in chapel. Someone commented on something along those lines, and I just said, "I have given up!" They all just smiled and said, "This is Okinawa!"

The picture here, is what has happened throughout the day. I'm attaching this photo not because I think it is good - to demonstrate the pointless battle I had with my "straight" hair this morning. I am clothed - - that is a shirt - not something else that I am wearing.

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