Saturday, July 2, 2011


My Wednesday at school went pretty well. We had some issues with further construction going on at the school, which completely messed up some classes in the afternoon. Thank goodness the teacher of the class were willing to be slightly flexible and understood. Communication all around is hard to ensure, even in a small school.

The Kindergarten classes went on a field trip to a little park up the road, but there is also a beach area connected to the park. We also had a syntax issue with permission slips. The kids were only given permission to go to the park, not the beach. I had a few administrative decisions to make this morning, so I was grateful that God was truly in charge - not me. I did a lot of praying!

Once the day got rolling, however, it went very well. Most afternoons we have about three kids that do not get picked up on time by their parents. We have to wait with them, but this day, all kids were picked up and on their way by 3:20. I was able to actually get home to my apartment by around 3:45 - a new record for me!

Randy and Kathy Fagan, and Kathy's sister Geni, picket me up at 4:00 where we then went to the Yomitan Pottery Village (they now have Okinawan blown glass, a very fancy road, newer and nicer facilities, and higher prices!).

We found a Beni-Imo truck. This man drives around the little neighborhoods with his speaker blasting out a song singing about the hot, roasted, delicious, sweet potatoes he is selling from the back. We played a listening game and actually tracked him down. Even though we were going out to eat, I had to buy one because I had never done so in all my years. Truthfully, I'd never seen his truck before - I'd only heard the songs.

We then went to a Japanese pizza buffet (curry rice, spaghetti, muffins, salad, and an assortment of Japanese pizzas). We wandered around the salt factory and then went over to the sweet potato tarte factory. They weren't making them that late in the day, so I'll have to go back one afternoon next week.

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