Monday, June 11, 2007

Tuesday, June 12th

Before I forget, HAPPY BIRTHDAY CARRIE ABRAHAM!!!! Hope your day is great.

As I am sitting here preparing to write to you, I just want those of you who have taught at OCSI to recall our rainy days. I am soaked through and through. My shoes are soggy because I had to walk through huge puddles to get here. My hair is in ringlets because I got drenched as I walked over, and my clothing is sticking to me everywhere due to the water. We are having a downpour again today. The soccer field is flooded and the backroad to school isn't much better. Gay Grenninger mentioned to me that she heard some of the high school kids praying for cool weather as they took their finals this week. I think they got it. I'm not complaining though. I like having an excuse for my bad hair!

I wound up working at school all day yesterday. I went through my old classroom and found a whole box full of math curriculum that I wrote. Then, we had the summer school meeting. I learned that, once again, nobody really knows what I will be teaching. Right now, they are trying to compile numbers to see where the greatest need is. My options, at this time, are: Leading Chapel and teaching music to each grade pair, teaching elementary math, OR becoming the K4-C classroom teacher. (For those of you who don't know, K4-c, is a class for 3-year-olds who are getting ready to enter our pre-school program. It is the first time these little kids are in school. This is a regular school program, and it actually starts next week - a whole week earlier than the other summer school program. I taught K4-C one summer years ago, so if they cannot get a teacher soon, I might get pulled from other activities and placed there. I don't quite know what I think about that. I guess I will just leave it in the Lord's hands and pray for wisdom for my administrators here.) I will let you know what I will be teaching as soon as I know. For now, I will be planning the math lessons soon, and I have already spent the morning working on the chapel information.

Due to the rain, today's activities will really focus around the school again. I did some paper work for the office today and I hope to get into the music room to do some searching this afternoon.

I have had several people tell me to add more pictures . . . I am having technical difficulties! I just spoke with Randy Hadley and he told me that I can come over to his house to burn some photos onto a thumb - drive (I guess I had better buy one of those then, huh?) Then, I can post them for you. Next week, we should be able to do that. . .unfortunately, for now you just get words.

I will be leaving EARLY tomorrow morning (5:00 AM) to go down to Ishigaki with Kathleen Rice (former teacher who came over here with me) and her friend Kathy Johnson. Kathy teaches at a Japanese Christian College on the island and she has students that live down on Ishigaki. Apparently we will be making some house calls on the families and we will stay someplace by the port. I am not exactly sure what this excursion will hold, but time will tell. I hope and pray that it isn't as rainy down there as it is up here on Okinawa. Ishigaki is pretty far South, if I recall correctly.

Thank you all for your prayers. Things continue to go well, and they are picking up pace as is par for the course. :) I like that.

Until next time!


Janine Leaver said...

Hi Amy. How wonderful to be back on island, eh! Sounds like you are having a wonderful time -- complete with familiar experiences (ie: what will you be teaching?!?!?) Please give my hello and love to Max and Aidy and any students who would know me -- esp those graduated seniors (Erika, Alex, Martha, Laura, Liwei, and many others). Keep posting, it's good to hear what you're up to and to cherish my own Oki days through you. (And on a sidenote, Australia was wonderful!!!)

: )

Anonymous said...

Hello again, Amy.
I am enjoying your updates. What a great idea your sister had.Sandi