Sunday, June 24, 2007

Monday, June 25th - around noon

Day 1 of summer school is now under my belt and I feel much better. I don't have the names of my students memorized yet. I have an awful lot of work to get that all down, but I am happy to say that everything went well. We survived and hopefully we are all better for the experience. Tomorrow will go better. Chapel was extremely short, so we didn't even come close to getting through what I had planned. I just spent about 45 minutes trying to get the DVD player to work because we have a special DVD presentation for the kids. (Thank you to Captain Super and his crew back there in the Bay and Two Harbors. You will be official film stars tomorrow! - - My Bible study from church up in Two Harbors, MN, helped me film some of the videos needed for summer school. It is such a blessing to have that. I tried to get live performers, but they all backed out and there was no way that I could get kids to learn their parts in one day. This is wonderful and it works! THANK YOU!)

This weekend I had a very fun outing! A few of us went over to Max and Aidy's house for praise team practice on Friday. I was the chauffer so I was just along for the fellowship and fun. I enjoyed it. Then on Saturday, a small group of us went exploring the Northern part of the island. Along the way, I had many adventures that were completely new to me. I ate at a famous Okinawan restaurant that Americans call "Pizza in the sky." It is WAY up on top of one of the mountains out on the Motobu Peninsula. I could clearly see Ie Island from there. When we finished eating we went to Ocean Expo Park and watched the dolphin show. It was the first time in my life that it has NOT rained while I was at Expo. I took advantage of that and went to explore Emerald Beach. After that, we drove North and actually took the bridge over to the Lepor Colony. It was faschinating to me. Then, we took another bridge from that island over to yet another island that I had never been to. It was great. We followed that up with the long drive to Hedo Point, the northernmost point of Okinawa. We stopped for dinner in Nago and didn't return home until after midnight. It was a great day!

On Sunday, Max was going to take us snorkeling. I was supposed to borrow my neighbor's car to get to church, but since we didn't get home until after midnight and I had to leave by 6:30 in the morning, I didn't know what to do. I wound up stealing Lisa's car - she had let us use it on Saturday, so I still had her keys. She goes to church right here at school, so I was hoping she didn't need her car. Because of that stress I only went to one service yesterday. I didn't go to Central at all. I decided to rush home in case Lisa did want her car. I am glad I did because she needed it 30 minutes after I got home. We all waited for Max to come, but around noon it started to pour and we were put into some lightening warnings. I called Max at 3 to cancel. It was nice to just spend a day around home.

Today, it is beautiful again. I might try to walk down to a beach and enjoy the day. Sounds like fun to me!

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