Friday, June 29, 2007

Saturday, June 30

Bad news folks. I didn't get to go fishing. I got up early, took all my medicines, ate breakfast,and walked down to the port. It was VERY windy at 5:15 when I was walking, so I was a little concerned about the waves (which were peaking already at that time.) I asked Max if he thought it was all still a great day for fishing. He, of course, said, "Yes!" But then he explained that the waves were at 1.5 meters. 2 is the max his boat can handle. I asked him if his daughter would be okay in waves like we were about to see. He went to go investigate the water more closely. While he was away I spoke with a pastor he was taking with him. That pastor said that on days like this it is extremely rough and choppy, especially when we stop to fish. He said he had been quite ill on days like this in the past. So . . . when Max returned saying "Maybe, better another day." I decided to take him at his word. I bowed out and let them go. Now, several hours later, I look out at the water and see that the wind has let up, and the water no longer has white caps. Oh well, I need to trust that I made the right decision.

So now, I have a whole day to fill and nothing planned. I think I will walk down to a beach in just a little bit. Everybody else is already off doing something else. It is too nice of a day to just stay home, so . . .I will come up with something I am sure.

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