Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Wednesday, June 13th

Another rainy day on "the rock." I was up at a relatively early time, so I decided to walk in the rain - or mist as it was at that time. I wandered my way back up to the castle and then decided to see where some of the other roads lead. After about two hours I found my way back to the school, but not via Max Value as I intended earlier. We still had no hot water, so it was another cold sprinkle to get ready. The teachers at the school had a work day/records day to take care of things today. That meant a little more freedom for some of them, so we were leary to take out the car for too long. I spent some time at school in the morning catching up on some computer work and managed to do a load of laundry (this is such an exciting post - - but rain makes for exciting posts like this.) In the midst of my MANY trips to and from the school that morning, I managed to misplace my wallet. I knew it wasn't lost - just misplaced. This however, caused me stress and put a damper on some nice plans that had been made. I decided that's what happens when I don't take the time to start the day in my Bible like I usually do! We went for lunch with Mary Davenport - a missionary at the school who teaches 1st grade - but alas I had no money (due to the lost wallet) so I had to beg money off of Janice for lunch. Thank goodness she was there to save me. After lunch, we went to explore the pottery village and then spent the afternoon helping to prepare for the evening's farewell barbeque. What I found most unique was the face that Martha Migita came into the cafeteria as the elementary good-bye speaches were being made. It flashed me back to my first good-bye here at OCSI. While I was trying to say good-bye I recall the huge bear hug and sobs that Martha was giving me - thus leading me basically into about a two day period of tears and heart break while leaving the island. We both commented on how little we knew at that time. Who knew that 13 years later we would have a reunion hug during the exact same ceremony. We have seen each other numerous times since and God has allowed our paths to cross. Little did we know. God is like that. We have to trust Him for our tomorrows and live our todays for Him. Today - - Thursday - - our today rests in Him. We are driving North to Nago where adventures and hopefully less rain await us. It is however, still quite drippy. . . no, more like a permanant shower. . . but we will have fun none-the-less. Photos to be posted tonight. Thank you all for your prayers. Tomorrow, or Saturday, will be much planning for chapel. I need to seek His will and allow Him to put the pieces into place for the kids. He alone knows what we most need this summer.

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