Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Tuesday, June 19th - Janice's 60th Birthday!

After a good night's sleep (which wasn't expected due to the scheduled. .. but never ariving) typhoon, I woke to see almost sunny skys and nothing more than some strong winds. I decided to go for a walk while the nice weather lasted. Apparently, our typhoon took a course that brought it further east than forcast, so we missed it completely. There is another tropical storm right on the tails of this one though, so the window of nice weather would be small I could tell. I took off while I could. On my way home, I decided to stop off at Max Value (the only store open at that time. I waited as long as I could, hoping to buy her a Choux Creme for breakfast, but couldn't wait that long.) I know Janice loves flowers, so I picked up some lillies for her, some pineapple, and a little treat. Then I came home to fix her a nice breakfast. She finished taking care of her banking business while I did some much needed work at school. It was a good thing that I walked while I did though because it started raining around noon. I am n ot sure it let up much until about 7 that evening. Blankets of water poured down. Our soccer field and the whole cathedral area were flooded. The winds howled. . . we joked about the weather here (in no storm condition) being far worse than what we had in the typhoon. That shouldn't have surprised us though; it does tend to happen often. That evening, Suellen Hadley had arranged a group of missionaries to go to Sam's Cafe to celebrate with us. We took the school van. We were all very grateful that Randy was driving however because we could hardly see the road through the blanket of rain falling. We managed to "swim" our way to the restaurant and home again. It was a quiet, restful, yet hopefully pleasant birthday for Janice. I hope her day was special and memorable. It is now the morning of the 20th as I write this. The winds are howling (sounds like a blizzard outside) and it is still raining - but just some sprinkles here and there. This will again limit outdoor activities, but won't stop our fun today.

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