Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Day 2 - Shanghai

The morning began at a relatively normal time for us - given our jet lag. We hadn't taken the time to explore breakfast options, so we decided to just have granola bars in our room while planning our day. We decided the best option for us would be to take a taxi over to the train station and then take the subway to our choice destinations. The taxi was uneventful and almost easy this time around - thanks to the Holiday Inn Staff taking 5 star care of us in that respect! The train/subway however. . . not so much. I think we stood in front of the ticket dispenser for about 15 minuts just trying to figure out how to make it work and get where we needed to go. Even if it had been written in English instead of Chinese we would have been challeneged, as amatter of fact, we found a way to turn it into English. . .but it didn't help and neither did anyone around us (unlike the Japanese). Basically everyone just looked frustrated at us because we were blocking the ticket machine so we had to step out of the way and start over numerous times. FINALLY we managed to figure it out and got tickets to a station near something called Pearl Tower. The Pearl Tower is apparently the highest structure in Asia. We could travel up in it to get views of the city - - well, what we could see through the smog (which at that time I still thought was just fog.) It was here that I decided I wasn't keen on being packed so tight into elevators that I could hardly move. There were tons of people there and we were pretty early in the touring day! After our visit in the Pearl Tower we tackled some of the shopping centers near the area. We decided to take the elevator - on last time for me - down to a lower level. We were so packed in that when we got down, we couldn't get out. I kept saying excuse me and pushing to try to get out and nobody moved! I couldn't communicate in Chinese, but I fear that even if I could have, it might not have helped. Eventually I elbowed my way out and decided that I wasn't ever riding an elevator again - at least in China! Once downstairs we found some Lychee nuts and were informed that as long as we were the ones peeling fruit, it was safe to eat. Janice bought a few for us! Then, it was back to the subway station. Feeling like experts this time, we quickly purchased tickets to our next stop - LUNCH! We went to Yu Yuang Garden and had dumplings at a famous dumpling house. There was quite a wait to get them, but it was worth it. Then, it was time to explore the beautiful gardens. By doing this we saw old Shanghai and new Shanghai that day. After walking Janice far further than I should have in the heat and humidity, we found some little market shops to do some shopping at while walking our way back to the subway. Both of us feeling rather fatigued by this time, decided to make one last stop before going back to the hotel. We stopped at Nan Jing Market. . . well, or what we thought would be a market. Rather, it was a lot of high end department stores and a huge pedestrian mall area. Again, I walked Janice too far, but she was a good sport about it. She said she was shopping so it wasn't walking any more. It was around this time that I decided there was a reason I lived in Silver Bay, MN! There were people everywhere and the Chinese are very agressive sales people. I have never been offered so many wheelies or watches or bags or. . . in my life. I was happy to make the trip back to the hotel where we went back to our own little market for an authentic Chinese meal and then an early bed-time!

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