Saturday, July 2, 2011

Saturday - July 2nd - FREEDOM!

My plan for the day was quite sketchy and kept changing as the day progressed. I had a "normal" Saturday morning. I made pancakes, baked a loaf of bread, and then made plans to go to the beach. Unfortunately, the sky clouded over very quickly and we even had some thunder and lightening to go with our rain.

I changed plans and was able to borrow Joel and Gail Anderson's car in order to run some errands. I was able to visit some old favorite places and just enjoy the freedom of going where I wanted - when I wanted. It was extremely kind of them to lend their car, and I was very grateful.

I met up with Randy, Kathy, and Geni at Yoshi's for dinner.

We then went to Karaoke - my favorite evening activity! I learned a couple of things: 1. I am really loud when I sing! 2. It is harder to Karaoke with fewer people because you really have to remember how songs go. It was very fun!

I also bought myself a treat - bubble tea from Jusco! YUMMY!!!

A later addition and note to self - - bubble tea is a caffeine filled drink. I do not consume caffeine on a normal basis and unfortunately, did not sleep much after having this drink!

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