Friday, July 6, 2012

An update on my mom

I am running short on time, but I want to give an update on my mom. My mom had hip replacement surgery three days ago. Originally, all looked good. The doctors were extremely pleased and got her up on her feet early. As they tried to have her put any weight on her little (non-muscled) leg, it obviously collapsed - or so I am trying to understand from a world away. This motion apparently caused the femur in the good leg to shatter in parts and splinter (again - as I understand from a world away) Thus . . . I learned last night they were worried that she may have caused permanent damage in her "fall" and they needed to x-ray again and consider another surgery. That was where I left things when I went to bed last night. Moments ago I got off Skype with my dad. I learned that yesterday she was indeed rushed into another whole surgery. She was told if she didn't, she would probably never walk again - - the whole reason she had the surgery was so she could have continued movement and "freedom" and less pain. This news was very disheartening and sad. She is still in the recovery stages of that second surgery as I write this, but the known result will be a much slower and delayed recovery. Apparently, they needed to put an iron rod in and really wrap and reinforce the leg and hip joint. They will not allow her to put weight on her legs for a while. I just wrote the lighthouse in MN to let them know of my resignation - my heart longs to be there now to help - but all I could be doing is praying anyway. Today, as I prepared for chapel, I was presenting on John and Charles Wesley. As I wrote up my presentation yesterday, I learned that they grew up watching their father persecuted for preaching the truth of what the Bible Says. They were ridiculed and made fun of as a family. Their faith, however, was strong enough that both of the men grew up to be strong men of faith and continued to share the gospel. They had rotten vegetables thrown at them as they presented the gospel. My point today in chapel is going to be these are great men of faith because not only have they blessed us with their work (writing "O For a 1000 tongues to sing", "Hark! the Herald Angels Sing" and 5998 more . . .) but they did so by persevering through obstacles and trials. James 1:12 will be our theme verse. We will learn how "God Rewards the Faithful" . . . I plan to ask the kids if they can relate at all . . .now we don't throw vegetables here - but... 1. Just yesterday I had a conversation with a little girl in my class. She said she prays because she is the only person in her whole family that is a Christian. She is 9 years old and truly loves the Lord, but her parents want nothing to do with it. She has no way to get to a church to grow, so school is all she gets. That's hard! 2. I think of my troubled young man and his persecution of all in chapel and in school. He continues to be defiant and difficult. I have had ALL of the middle school teachers come to me and express frustration and concern with their students and their lack of anything - - extreme ambivalence and lack of any emotion (other than resistance and anger). That is a form of persecution. If God can give me the words to say, I hope to say something about how we may not persecute others in the same way - but we can do our best to hinder the Lord's work simply through our attitudes. Maybe this will sink into Moana and he will notice what he is doing - and who he carries with him down that trail each day. 3. I think of my mom and her trials. She has been faithful. I know God is with her. I got a little note from one of my girls on Tuesday. "Miss Johnson, I will be praying for you and your mom. Just know that God is with you and with her no matter what." The first thing she did when she saw me yesterday was ask how my mom was. God is faithful. I may be miles away, but God is taking care of her and He is taking care of me! It is a blessing to serve.

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