Friday, June 24, 2016

Friday, June 24th

Well, week one has come to an end. It is official that I have been on island for one complete week.

1. School went OK today. I wanted the kids to get the feeling of rejoicing over it being the last day so foolishly I thought they could handle learning math via stations of various games. In a classroom full of active, talkative, unfocused yet highly enthusiastic 5th grade boys, that was a bad call on my part. Over the weekend I need to develop a new plan and flesh it out. This is going to involve a lot more curriculum development on my part. There is a "Math in a Box" summer school curriculum I could resort to, but I very much dislike it and would prefer to actually adress the needs that I know the class has. The problem is, HOW! In my high school rooms, I could split them into groups and hopefully attend to one group at a time, but in this crew? (OK, I take that back. I have one class in high school that I know I couldn't leave in groups either - it would end with a very crabby me.) I haven't had time to train them on my expectations and requirements. It is nice to have enthusiasm from the kids, however, so I will try to work with it.

2. My "Bradly" had his first episode today. He chose to have it as he was coming into chapel first thing. I very badly did NOT want to give him attention for his behavior - nor did I want to deal with it during chapel. I had every intention of getting to him as soon as chapel had come to an end, when I could speak with him alone. He was not causing a disturbance and he was on the end sitting right next to me anyway, however, the elementary principal (who had also warned me about this young man) opted to deal with his situation for me. I still talked with the young man before class started and we had a great day. I will remain alert to potential issues, however.

3. I have had a migraine for the past two days, so sleep has been in short supply - again. I took a larger dose of medication after school today and I feel great right now, as far as my head goes. Hopefully that remains true throughout the night.

4. My head may feel great, but somehow I am covered from HEAD to TOE with little gnat/flea/itchy red bug bites of some sort. There is a lot of discrepency over at school over what they are. A large group of people thinks that it is from the hairs off of what they call "hairy caterpillars". I guess they are very "poisonous" and cause some pretty bad allergic reactions for people who encounter them. I complained and said that I haven't been around that many hairs! They told me they are minute and airborne - especailly in the wooded areas where I have been walking every morning. Option 2 (which I tend to agree with) is that they are "no-see-um bites". One of our kindergarten aides (who everyone says is the expert) sent me down to the store to buy a spray that I was supposed to put on all the furniture in my home - then vaccuum. Well, the vaccuum in this apartment doesn't work so well - welcome to OCSI. I have, however, spent the majority of my day cleaning the apartment quite completetly, washing all my bedding, and clothing. I am going to take a benadryl and pray that the itching and irritation goes away tomorrow, or at least improves. Otherwise, I don't know what I will do. I will also alter my course of travel while working out for a few days; I will give up my training on the "steps" at the castle for a few days.

5. Tomorrow is a work day at the Baptist Camp up in a Northern part of the island. I will be driving a friend up there so we can help out for the day. It is a long drive (around 1.5 - 2 hours) but it is one of the prettiest drives on island. Hopefully we can be of some use to the camp in our service.

Thank you all for praying.

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