Sunday, July 15, 2007

TC - AC (Monday, July 16)

Actually, we are no longer in any typhoon condition at all, and the sun is shining. I just really wanted to come over to write you on Saturday to say that we were in TC - AC - or tyhpoon condition, ALL CLEAR! The typhoon that hit us was called typhoon "Man-Yi". It was a category 4 typhoon and had some very damaging winds and rain. It hit later in the day on Thursday and whipped around very strong until Saturday Morning. On Friday we watched as trees out our window (way across the soccer field) snapped or were uprooted and thrown to the ground, the typhoon bars were vibrating and shaking like crazy, and the cars were shaking quite a bit too. We went out to play games at a neighbor's on Thursday afternoon, but found it rather hard to climb up the stairs. Of course, we didn't give up and made the trip fine.

Saturday morning, I got up early to try to do laundry (Can't do laundry during a typhoon because the washing machines are outside, taped shut.) I found that the laundry area was full of debris and salt water. I spent a while cleaning that out and spraying down windows. Shortly after that, I heard Max out with his chain saw. I spent the rest of the morning with some other teachers picking up sticks, trees, branches and debris. About noon it started to POUR rain, but gratefully we had done when we could by that time. Lisa and I went down to the sea wall for lunch. The waves were huge - when we could see them through the downpour! The roads were blocked by typhoon debris so traffic was pretty bad all day.

Sunday, sadly . . . I missed out on all the fun. I came down with a cold Saturday afternoon and spent most of the day in bed on Sunday. I spent the night at my friends home (Randy and Kathy Fagan) and I did go to church with them. However, after lunch they brought me back to their house where I slept ALL AFTERNOON. They went up to the pineapple factory without me. I was fine with that.

Today, I am feeling pretty congested still,and my throat still hurts, but I think the worst is over. The kids however, pushed me over the edge in music classes today. The 4th and 5th graders got quite a lecture from me. I almost cried I was so angry with them. They refuse to participate, or follow directions from anyone (not only me.) The 4th graders all wrote me very nice letters of apology. The 5th graders verbally said that they would do better, so we will see. Tomorrow is a new day. We only have 3 more days to learn this!!!! Time is running out, so they had better get their acts together. I will love them through this, but I will not allow them to insult God - and that was what pushed me over the edge today. Please continue to pray for them, and for us as we lead them. We need wisdom to reach these kids.

I will be sharing the "wordless book" for chapel in a couple of days. If you would be willing to pray that God will prepare the hearts of kids even now, and that those who are ready to receive salvation will do so . . . I would appreciate it. I think some kids are really thinking this summer.

Thanks for all your prayers. I cannot believe that I only have 4 days left. However, will I fit everything in my suitcase!

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