Monday, July 11, 2016

Lunch Time - Tuesday, July 12th

I hardly know where to start when posting today. We have had some pretty rainy and windy weather here for the past several days, but even given that I have been very busy. It kind of looks like a typhoon tore THROUGH my apartment instead of just sending wind and rain our way. The typhoon never actually hit here, but we did have some of the effects of it. Today, however, it looks very beautiful outside. It is sunny and bright, like usual, but we still have some strong winds.

Friday, after class, I actually worked for quite a while in my classroom. We had a faculty "party" that evening where we had sushi at a local conveyer belt type of sushi restaurant. After that, we took silly pictures in the local picture booth and ended the night with Karaoke. It was a good bonding time for those who were able to attend.

Saturday, three of the current missionaries here at the school had to leave for different summer activities. I drove along as we dropped the current elementary principal and his wife off at the airport. I had actually done a lot with that couple as they were here, so after only knowing them for 3 weeks Heidi said to me, "I feel like I have known you for a long time." I feel the same way. I feel their absence this week now as they are not here. After dropping them off, my friend Jess and I found a local second hand store. I found myself lost back in the music department (believe it or not) and found some very high quality saxophone reeds for a very inexpensive price. They were new, but cheap. I tried to buy a box of them in Duluth last spring and was shocked at the price tag - somewhere around $100 for a box. Here I got half a box of the same reeds for 100 yen! I was happy as a clam! After my huge find, Jess and I met my former student Maasa Migita and another missionary who was on her way off island for lunch. Following lunch Jess and I explored Kokusai/Heiwa dori for the day (that is the huge shopping market area here on island).

Sunday was full of church followed by meeting up with Maasa and her brother Hiromu for lunch. It was such a blessing to get to reconnect with these amazing young people and hear how God is working in their lives. It is fun to know them as friends and family in the Lord!

Monday, yesterday, was my birthday. It was a very full day of activity after activity. The kids learned it was my birthday and they were lead to sing to me after recess. My student helper had all of them sign a card for me. That was very special. I wound up working for a while at school yesterday, however, because I got a brand new student that day. The poor girl has missed three out of four weeks of summer school. I had to grade some papers that her classroom teacher had asked her to complete and evaluate her current abilities so I could try to help her these last four days.

After work, Jess and I drove over to the lighthouse for lunch. I have never paid the money to go up into the lighthouse and look around. As someone who has learned about lighthouses for my summer job in MN, it was very interesting for me. The view from the top was beautiful as well!

After lunch I opted to ride bike up to Maeda and hike around on the trails up there.

I then rode home to drive over to my friends, Max and Aidy Cruzado's home for a birthday dinner. Aidy is an amazing cook and had gone way out of her way already to make me feel special. She had asked about three months ago if I would come to their house for dinner that night. When I got there, I saw three places set and I was content knowing that I would have a quiet evening with some very dear friends. After I had been there for about 6 minutes, however, the doorbell rang. It was Naomi Oeschle and Hazel (Max and Aidy's daughter)! Aidy had surprised me by inviting these former students over. It, again, we wonderful just getting to reconnect with these amazing people. Such a blessing to spend time with them!

Upon my arrival home last night, however, I noticed I was feeling "itchy" again. It was a rather rough night. I tried showering, I used medication, I took my Benadryl, but somehow I must have gotten exposed to something again. My arms, neck and face have broken out in a red - hive - like rash again. I have little blisters everywhere and I itch. Even while sleeping I would awaken itching something. I have NO IDEA what causes this, I only know it is not fun to deal with.

Today, with my lack of sleep, was a harder day with the kids. My 4th graders were completely out of sorts. I stopped to pray and wondered if it was me, but they were just crabby. They were mad at each other, testy, unwilling to work, and several just kept saying that they were having a bad day (and this was all before we even got to the classroom today.) I talked with them a lot about allowing the circumstances in our life to consumer us. We talked about Phil 4:8 and keeping our thoughts positive. I don't know that it helped them, but I maintained a positive attitude - or tried to anyway. The fifth graders were much better, as far as attitude goes, but they were quite excited and easily off task today.

Today is the day our grades were all due. I have been coming in early in the mornings to try to write personal messages to each of my students on post cards that I had purchased in the states, MN. I finished those this morning, but then had to do the mathematical computations. The school was trying to use a new grading program this summer, but it really tanked out on everyone. Most people wound up having to type comments in a different document and then calculate grades by hand. I did the same. I used the grading program for some things, but then did much of it via a spreadsheet. I submitted all grades and all comments for the kids shortly before starting this "catch - up" for you.

I know tomorrow will be my last contact day with some of the students. I will have to "say good-bye" to them at that time, so I have to be all ready for that. Making worthwhile work for the kids the last two days and continuing to encourage them along the way is something I will attempt to do!

Now, with my itchy arms, the task is going to be getting lunch and making use of the rest of my day. I do not want to lose a beautiful day on this beautiful island, but I also want the itchy arms to get better! The new pastor at Central has invited me to his home tonight for dinner. I am looking forward to going.

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