Monday, July 4, 2011

Max's Boat!

Sunday July 3rd and Monday July 4th have both been days aboard Max's boat for me. So much fun!

On Sunday the Cruzados picked me up for church down at Central. After church, however, we went out for a late afternoon of snorkeling out at Maeda. Instead of driving to Maeda, however, Max drove the boat on over. It was a beautiful and perfect day. My friends Randy, Kathy, and Geni joined, Hazel, Aidy, Max and I for the day.

While we were out in the water, Max found another "tako", octopus. Even though it was no longer alive when these pictures were taken, it still has very strong suction power. It may appear that I am holding up one of the tenticles, but it is truthfully suctioned, tightly, on my hand.

After snorkeling, we had a picnic on the boat. I was overcome, again, with the need to buy mochi dango. I decided to try all the kinds to see which I like best. I didn't have the azuki bean kind because I have determined that I do not like that kind. These, were all good (some better than others.)

The water was still rather rough on the trip home, but the sunset over the East China Sea was beautiful!

The next day, a crew of us went out to dive/snorkel at Sand Island.

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